Meet our custom LASIK laser: the VISX S4™
Custom LASIK Carlsbad CA
As technology continues to improve at a rapid pace, we’ve seen many innovations in the field of laser vision correction. Dr. Chen and the staff at North County Laser Eye Associates are committed to incorporating the best new technology into our practice, so we can offer our patients the best possible results.
One of the most revolutionary has been the development of custom LASIK. By using a detailed scan of the cornea to plan the laser vision correction procedure, custom LASIK takes into account each person’s “visual fingerprint,” which is the unique pattern of small variations in the cornea. Studies have shown that custom LASIK produces better outcomes than standard LASIK.
We use the VISX S4™ laser to perform custom LASIK procedures. It offers state-of-the-art technology that can help us to achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients. Why have we chosen this laser?
The VISX S4™ advantage
The VISX S4 has pushed the boundaries of technology in not just one, but several different areas. We are pleased to offer these many advantages to our patients here at North County Laser Eye Associates.
Wavefront™ measurement technology
To provide custom LASIK, it’s necessary to take accurate measurements of the patient’s cornea. The scanner sends a beam of light into the eye, and then takes precise measurements of the light as it is reflected back out. This allows the scanner to create a detailed map of the surface of the cornea, which is used to create the individualized plan for laser vision correction. When done with high accuracy, this can help to minimize visual distortions after the procedure, and can even correct those that were present before the LASIK procedure.
The Wavefront™ technology in the VISX S4 uses the most advanced method for detecting wavefront aberrations in the eye. Known as Fourier analysis, this advanced method allows for more precise calculation of the topography of the cornea. More accurate and detailed measurements of the surface of the cornea help to create better results, with fewer visual side effects after the LASIK procedure.
Eye tracking
The VISX S4 laser uses a patented Iris Registration technology. This automatically aligns the treatment to the cornea, allowing for maximal precision. It also helps to keep the laser centered on the eye, even when small movements of the eye occur during the procedure. (Even patients who are extremely careful to keep their eyes as motionless as possible may experience some involuntary movements, and there are almost always small movements due to the patient’s breathing.)
Using ActiveTrak eye tracking technology, the laser is able to track even tiny movements of the eye in multiple dimensions. It can actually track the eye faster than the eye can move – meaning that it will never miss an eye movement. Even better, this can be accomplished without the pupillary dilation that’s sometimes necessary with other systems.
Smooth ablations
The VISX S4 uses an array of seven laser beams. These polish the cornea, creating a very smooth surface to the cornea after the procedure. This can help to make recovery easier, and may also produce better visual results with less dry eye. Additionally, this laser has a technology called Spot Beam. This can adjust the laser beam to be exactly the size and shape that the patient needs. This minimizes the removal of corneal tissue, which again makes recovery easier and may improve visual outcomes.
Is custom LASIK right for you? – custom LASIK Carlsbad CA
Although this procedure produces excellent outcomes and has helped many patients to achieve better sight, it isn’t for everyone. Those with thin corneas, or who have had previous procedures or injuries to the cornea, may need to consider a different laser vision correction method instead. Additionally, for those on a tight budget, custom LASIK costs a bit more than traditional LASIK.
To learn more about your eyes, and whether custom LASIK with our top of the line VISX S4™ laser might be right for you, please schedule an appointment with one of our highly experienced laser vision correction specialists here at North County Laser Eye Associates.